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FBI (2018-)
FBI alkoi USA:ssa 25.09.2018 ja Suomessa 16.01.2020.
USA:ssa on esitetty 6 kautta.
Kausi 7 on esityksessä. usa:ssa
Suomessa TV5 on esittänyt 1. kauden.
Sarjassa seurataan FBI New Yorkin toimiston sisäistä toimintaa, jonka tehtävänä on napata kiinni maan pahimpia rikollisia.
1.1 Osa 1 (pilot) 25.09.2018 16.01.2020
1.2 Osa 2 (green birds) 02.10.2018 23.01.2020
1.3 Osa 3 (prey) 09.10.2018 30.01.2020
1.4 Osa 4 (crossfire) 16.10.2018 06.02.2020
1.5 Osa 5 (doomsday) 23.10.2018 13.02.2020
1.6 Osa 6 (family man) 30.10.2018 20.02.2020
1.7 Osa 7 (cops and robbers) 13.11.2018 27.02.2020
1.8 Osa 8 (this land is your land) 20.11.2018 05.03.2020 1.9 Osa 9 (compromised) 04.12.2018 12.03.2020
1.10 Osa 10 (the armorer's faith) 11.12.2018 19.03.2020
1.11 Osa 11 (identity crisis) 15.01.2019 26.03.2020
1.12 Osa 12 (a new dawn) 22.01.2019 02.04.2020
1.13 Osa 13 (partners in crime) 12.02.2019 09.04.2020
1.14 Osa 14 (exposed) 19.02.2019 16.04.2020
1.15 Osa 15 (scorched earth) 26.02.2019 23.04.2020
1.16 Osa 16 (invisible) 12.03.2019 30.04.2020
1.17 Osa 17 (apex) 26.03.2019 07.05.2020
1.18 Osa 18 (most wanted) 02.04.2019 14.05.2020
1.19 Osa 19 (conflict of interest) 16.04.2019 21.05.2020
1.20 Osa 20 (what lies beneath) 30.04.2019 28.05.2020
1.21 Osa 21 (appearances) 07.05.2019 04.06.2020
1.22 Osa 22 (closure) 14.05.2019 11.06.2020
Kausi 2
2.1 (little egypt) 24.09.2019
2.2 (the lives of others) 01.10.2019
2.3 (american idol) 08.10.2019
2.4 (an imperfect science) 15.10.2019
2.5 (crossroads) 22.10.2019
2.6 (outsider) 05.11.2019
2.7 (undisclosed) 12.11.2019
2.8 (codename: ferdinand) 19.11.2019
2.9 (salvation) 26.11.2019
2.10 (ties that bind) 17.12.2019
2.11 (fallout) 07.01.2020
2.12 (hard decisions) 14.01.2020
2.13 (payback) 21.01.2020
2.14 (studio gangster) 28.01.2020
2.15 (legacy) 11.02.2020
2.16 (safe room) 18.02.2020
2.17 (broken promises) 10.03.2020
2.18 (american dreams) 17.03.2020
2.19 (emotional rescue) 31.03.2020
Kausi 3
3.1 (never trust a stranger) 17.11.2020
3.2 (unreasonable doubt) 24.11.2020
3.3 (liar's poker) 08.12.2020
3.4 (grazy love) 24.01.2021
3.5 (clean slate) 26.01.2021
3.6 (uncovered) 09.02.2021
3.7 (discord) 02.03.2021
3.8 (walk the line) 09.03.2021
3.9 (leverage) 16.03.2021
3.10 (checks and balances) 06.04.2021
3.11 (brother's keeper) 27.04.2021
3.12 (fathers and sons) 04.05.2021
3.13 (short squeeze) 11.05.2021
3.14 (trigger effect) 18.05.2021
3.15 (straight flush) 25.05.2021
Kausi 4
4.1 (all that glitters) 21.09.2021
4.2 (hacktivist) 28.09.2021
4.3 (trauma) 05.10.2021
4.4 (know thyself) 12.10.2021
4.5 (charlotte's web) 02.11.2021
4.6 (allegiance) 09.11.2021
4.7 (gone baby gone) 16.11.2021
4.8 (fire and rain) 07.12.2021
4.9 (unfinished business) 14.12.2021
4.10 (fostered) 04.01.2022
4.11 (grief) 11.01.2022
4.12 (under pressure) 01.02.2022
4.13 (pride and prejudice) 22.02.2022
4.14 (ambition) 08.03.2022
4.15 (scar tissue) 22.03.2022
4.16 (protective details) 29.03.2022
4.17 (one night stand) 12.04.2022
4.18 (fear nothing) 19.04.2022
4.19 (face off) 26.04.2022
4.20 (ghost from the past) 10.05.2022
4.21 (kayla) 17.05.2022
4.22 (prodigal son) 24.05.2022
Kausi 5
5.1 (hero's journey) 20.09.2022
5.2 (love is blind) 27.09.2022
5.3 (flopped cop) 04.10.2022
5.4 (victim) 11.10.2022
5.5 (flopped cop) 18.10.2022
5.6 (double bind) 06.11.2022
5.7 (ready or not) 15.11.2022
5.8 (into the fire) 22.11.2022
5.9 (fortunate son) 13.12.2022
5.10 (second life) 03.01.2023
5.11 (heroes) 10.01.2023
5.12 (breakdown) 24.01.2023
5.13 (protege) 14.02.2023
5.14 (money for nothing) 21.02.2023
5.15 (the lies we tell) 28.02.2023
5.16 (family first) 14.03.2023
5.17 (imminent threat: part two) 04.04.2023
5.18 (obligation) 11.04.2023
5.19 (sins of the past) 18.04.2023
5.20 (sisterhood) 25.04.2023
5.21 (privilege) 09.05.2023
5.22 (torn) 16.05.2023
5.23 (god complex) 23.05.2023
Kausi 6
6.1 (all the rage) 13.02.2024
6.2 (remorse) 20.02.2024
6.3 (stay in your lane) 27.02.2024
6.4 (creating a monster) 12.03.2024
6.5 (sacrifice) 19.03.2024
6.6 (unforeseen) 26.03.2024
6.7 (behind the veil) 02.04.2024
6.8 (phantom) 09.04.2024
6.9 (best laid plans) 16.04.2024
6.10 (family affair) 23.04.2024
6.11 (no one left behind) 07.05.2024
6.12 (consequenses) 14.05.2024
6.13 (ring of fire) 21.05.2024
Kausi 7
7.1 (abandoned) 15.10.2024
7.2 (trusted) 22.10.2024
7.3 (detente) 29.10.2024
7.4 (doubted) 12.11.2024
7.5 (pledges) 19.11.2024
7.6 (perfect) 03.12.2024
7.7 (monumental) 10.12.2024
7.8 (riptide) 17.12.2024
7.9 28.01.2025
7.10 04.02.2025
7.2 6.1
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